Channel of Channels: Dots Game Refactor

22 Aug 2013

In my last post I built a “straight forward” implementation of the Dots game using ClojureScript and core.async. My intention was not to get to clever or respond the endless array of shoulds that normally interrupt my programming.

It’s time to reevaluate the result and see what can be improved. During this exploration we are going to look at using channels of channels and functional reactive programming.

This post is assuming a familitarity with Clojure’s new core.async library. You may find my last two posts helpful in learning more about core.async: core.async todos and core.async dots game.

We are going to use drawing code similar to the last post:

(defn xy-message [ch msg-name xy-obj]
  (put! ch [msg-name {:x (.-pageX xy-obj) :y (.-pageY xy-obj)}]))

(defn touch-xy-message [ch msg-name xy-obj]
  (xy-message ch msg-name
              (aget (.-touches (.-originalEvent xy-obj)) 0)))

(defn mousemove-handler [out-chan jqevent]
  (if (pos? (.-which jqevent))
    (xy-message out-chan :draw jqevent)
    (put! out-chan [:drawend])))

(defn draw-event-capture [selector]
  (let [out-chan (chan)
        end-handler (fn [_] (put! out-chan [:drawend]))]
    (bind ($ selector) "mousemove" #(mousemove-handler out-chan %))
    (bind ($ selector) "mousedown" #(xy-message out-chan :draw %))
    (bind ($ selector) "mouseup"   end-handler)
    (bind ($ selector) "touchmove" #(touch-xy-message out-chan :draw %))
    (bind ($ selector) "touchend"  end-handler)

The above code simply gathers the low level event sources into a channel of messages that represent the act of drawing.

This code does not account for the full complexity of drawing across different browsers. See the example source for a more complete example.

What isn’t working

To provide context, in my last couple of posts I have been using channels as message queues. For example if we evaluate (draw-event-capture "body") from the above code, it will produce a single channel of messages. The stream of messages from the channel is continuous and looks like this:

[:draw {:x 105 :y 150}]
[:draw {:x 106 :y 150}]
[:draw {:x 107 :y 150}]
[:draw {:x 108 :y 150}]
[:draw {:x 113 :y 150}]
[:draw {:x 114 :y 150}]
[:draw {:x 115 :y 150}]

This stream is still pretty raw and we’d like to eliminate all of those extra :drawend events. Let’s filter the stream using the following code.

(defn get-drawing [input-chan out-chan]
  (go (loop [msg (<! input-chan)]
        (put! out-chan msg)
        (when (= (first msg) :draw)
          (recur (<! input-chan))))))

(defn draw-chan [selector]
  (let [input-chan (draw-event-capture selector)
        out-chan   (chan)]
    (go (loop [[msg-name _ :as msg] (<! input-chan)]
          (when (= msg-name :draw)
            (put! out-chan msg)
            (<! (get-drawing input-chan out-chan)))
          (recur (<! input-chan))))

This code above is a state machine. It has two states “drawing” and “not drawing”. Both states have different behavior. The loop in draw-chan bleeds off all the unneeded :drawend messages and waits for the first :draw message at which time it switches into the “drawing” state by calling get-drawing. The loop in get-drawing pushes all :draw messages onto the output channel until there is a message that isn’t a :draw message and we switch back to the “not drawing” behavior/state.

This does a great job of cleaning up the message stream. We now get a stream of messages where there is only one :drawend terminating each series of :draw messages. Much better.

This approach works and is very flexible. It’s very easy to expand this state machine to handle more complex state progressions.

However, there are some problems with this approach. The first being that consumers of the draw-chan message channel are likely going to have to implement their own state machine that mirrors the one above. You can see this in my previous post. You can see it in the dot-chan and collect-dots functions here and the dot-chain-getter and get-dot-chain functions here. Consumers are required to divide this stream of events into separate actions.

The second problem is that the starting :draw message contains data that we want to use. As a result I found myself mucking around with the first message. You could introduce a :drawstart message into the stream but that gets … complex.

The third problem happens when you are in the middle of handling a series of :draw messages and you want to ignore the rest of the drawing action before consuming the final :drawend message. You will be leaving several :draw messages in the channel. If you are sharing one main message channel with other contexts you will have to do some channel management and consume those extra messages before moving on.

Channels as Structured Data. Channels of channels!

A solution to these problems came as quite a suprise to me. It seems that we can think of channels the similar way as we think of other data structures. We can nest channels within each other to represent structured events the same as we nest lists or maps within each other to represent structured data.

Consider a channel with the following messages in it.

;; Where channel-of-draw-messages looks like [:draw xy] [:draw xy] etc. 

[:draw-action channel-of-draw-messages]
[:draw-action channel-of-draw-messages]
[:draw-action channel-of-draw-messages]
[:draw-action channel-of-draw-messages]
[:draw-action channel-of-draw-messages]

This is a channel of channels. Let’s look at it with and expanded view:

;; Where [... ...] expresses a channel. This is only a notation 

[... [:draw-action [... [:draw {:x 2 :y 6}] 
                        [:draw {:x 2 :y 7}]  ...] ]
     [:draw-action [... [:draw {:x 2 :y 34}] 
                        [:draw {:x 2 :y 37}]  ...] ]
     [:draw-action [... [:draw {:x 2 :y 55}] 
                        [:draw {:x 2 :y 54}]  ...] ]
     [:draw-action [... [:draw {:x 2 :y 86}] 
                        [:draw {:x 2 :y 75}]  ...] ]
     [:draw-action [... [:draw {:x 2 :y 66}] 
                        [:draw {:x 2 :y 55}]  ...] ]
     [:draw-action [... [:draw {:x 2 :y 55}] 
                        [:draw {:x 2 :y 57}]  ...] ] ...]

Looks like structured data eh? The series of :draw messages are contained in an enclosing :draw-action message.

This pattern solves all the problems above and fits the semantics of the situation better. A drawing action is an individual stream of events just like a channel.

The consumers of a channel of :draw-action messages don’t have to do as much work. They can simply hand off the channel-of-draw-messages to a handler. The handler itself doesn’t have to handle some custom end event. It only needs to stop processing when it reaches the nil value a channel emits when it is closed.

The :draw-action message itself gets rid of the ambiguity of a message signaling the start of an action which also contains data needed for the action. The :draw-action message is itself the initiating message.

If the handler needs to terminate before the end of the draw messages this does not leave unconsumed messages in the parent channel that need to be bled off.

We are effectively moving messages into their hierarchal position. Much like moving files into a sub directory or data into a child element in an XML or JSON document.

We are going to refactor the above draw-chan to return a channel of draw-action messages.

(defn put-all-draw-messages [input-chan out-chan]
  (go (loop []
        (if-let [msg (<! input-chan)]
            (put! out-chan msg)
            (if (= :draw (first msg))

(defn draw-chan [selector]
  (let [input-chan (draw-event-capture selector)
        out (chan)]
     (loop []
       (if-let [msg (<! input-chan)]
         (if (= :draw (first msg))
           (let [draw-action-chan (chan)]
             (>! out [:draw-action draw-action-chan])
             (>! draw-action-chan msg)
             (<! (put-all-draw-messages input-chan draw-action-chan))
             (close! draw-action-chan)))
         (close! out))

The code above does what we want it to. It creates and returns a channel of :draw-action messages. Each message having its own channel of :draw messages. The code appears to be a tad more complex but I would argue that this is because we are handling complexity that would otherwise have been handled downstream.

If you look at the put-all-draw-messages it’s simply putting all the messages from one channel into another until a certain condition is met. This seems like a generic utility that we can reuse. Let’s extract it.

(defn tap-until [end-pred in out]
    (go (loop []
          (if-let [v (<! in)]
              (put! out v)
              (if (end-pred v)

The tap-until utility function moves messages from one channel to another as long as the end predicate is not met. It also returns a channel created by the go expression. Channels created by a go expression return the last value of the expression. This allows us to block on a call to tap-until and wait for it to forward all the messages until the end predicate is met.

Next we’ll change the draw-chan function to use tap-until utility below.

(defn draw-chan [selector]
  (let [input-chan (draw-event-capture selector)
        out (chan)]
     (loop []
       (if-let [msg (<! input-chan)]
         (if (= :draw (first msg))
           (let [draw-action-chan (chan)]
             (>! out [:draw-action draw-action-chan])
             (>! draw-action-chan msg)
             (<! (tap-until #(not= :draw (first %)) 
                            input-chan draw-action-chan))
             (close! draw-action-chan)))
         (close! out))

That works but looking at draw-chan I am seeing another familiar pattern that looks vaguely similar to Clojure’s partition-by.

I am going to factor out this pattern of splitting a channel into a channel of channels.

(defn partition-chan
  ([start-pred in] (partition-chan start-pred (complement start-pred) in))
  ([start-pred end-pred in]
     (let [out (chan)]
        (loop []
          (if-let [val (<! in)]
              (if (start-pred val)
                (let [next-chan (chan)]
                  (>! out next-chan)
                  (>! next-chan val) ;; capture the first message
                  (<! (tap-until end-pred in next-chan))
                  (close! next-chan)))
            (close! out))))

That does it. This leaves us with a draw-chan function that looks like this:

(defn draw-chan [selector]
   (partition-chan #(= draw (first %)) (draw-event-capture selector)))

This looks pretty good. This refactored draw-chan function does have one major difference from the original one though. It emits a channel of raw channels and omits containing each freshly split channel within a :draw-action message vector.

It’s debatable whether the :draw-action message container is needed but let’s add it back to demonstrate that we haven’t lost anything in translation.

To add it back we will use a workhorse of functional reactive programming: map-chan.

(defn map-chan [func in]
  (let [out (chan)]
    (go (loop []
          (if-let [v (<! in)]
              (if-let [out-v (func v)] (>! out out-v)) ;; no nils in channel
            (close! out))

(defn draw-chan [selector]
   (map-chan (fn [ch] [:draw-action ch])
     (partition-chan #(= draw (first %)) (draw-event-capture selector))))

The map-chan function like map is the Swiss Army knife of working with channels. It simply maps the function over each value emitted by a channel returning a new channel of the values that result from the application of the provided function.

The resulting draw-chan function represents a higher level of expression and thinking about channels. The draw-chan function does not have any of core.async library functions in it. Channels are now values that we are manipulating with a generic set of functions. In addition, channels are also being used as values inside of channels and it all seems to make sense.

The drawing example below uses the refactored draw-chan function.

full source for example

Each act of drawing is separate and represented by a different color.

Consuming a channel of channels

Now that we have straightened out our event source let’s revisit some of the code examples from the last post.

In the last post we took a channel of draw messages and converted it to a channel of dot position messages because we wanted our main application loop to react to the dots that have been drawn over and not the raw draw events themselves.

The code looked like this:

;; this is the code from the last post

(defn collect-dots [draw-input out-chan board-offset init-msg]
   (loop [last-pos nil
          msg init-msg]
     (when (= :draw (first msg))
       (let [cur-pos (coord->dot-pos board-offset (last msg))]
         (if (and (not (nil? cur-pos)) (not= cur-pos last-pos))
           (put! out-chan [:dot-pos cur-pos]))
         (recur (or cur-pos last-pos) (<! draw-input)))))))

(defn dot-chan [selector]
  (let [draw-input (draw-chan selector)
        board-offset ((juxt :left :top) (offset ($ selector)))
        out-chan (chan)
        dot-collector (partial collect-dots 
                               draw-input out-chan board-offset)]
     (loop [msg (<! draw-input)]
       (when (= (first msg) :draw)
         (<! (dot-collector msg))
         (put! out-chan [:end-dots]))
       (recur (<! draw-input))))

Again, this code suffers from having to do its own channel partitioning. This code again follows the familiar pattern of waiting for an initiating :draw message in the dot-chan function and then changes context to the dot-collector loop. It also futzes with the initial message by forwarding it into the dot-collector.

The above dot-chan function again continues the practice forwarding partitioning a channel and the creating a channel that requires partitioning by the next consumer.

Moving our attention to the dot-collector function, we can see that part of its responsibility is to remove duplicate dot position messages from the channel by comparing the previous dot position with the current one. This elimination of duplicate messages seems like another generic operation that we can extract into a utility function.

(defn remove-sequential-duplicates [in]
  (let [out (chan)]
     (loop [last-v nil]
       (if-let [v (<! in)]
           (if (not= v last-v) (>! out v))
           (recur v))
         (close! out))))

With this new utility the dot-chan code above refactors into this:

(defn dots-action [board-offset draw-action-chan]
   (map-chan #(coord->dot-pos board-offset (last %))

(defn dot-chan [selector]
  (let [board-offset ((juxt :left :top) (offset ($ selector)))]
    (map-chan #(dots-action board-offset %) (draw-chan selector))))

I don’t know about you, but I really prefer the code above to the previous version. The new dot-chan function and its dots-action helper represent the familiar pattern of nested iteration.

This calls out another nice property of channels of channels. They are very easy to conceptualize and process as two dimensional structures.

It’s important to remember that the channel that dot-chan is creating is a yet another channel of channels.

This new dot-chan function again represents a higher order of expression. We are treating streams of messages (channels) as values and apply general operations to them.

You can see the above refactored code in action if you use your mouse to swipe over the dots below.

full source for example


In this post I refactored part of the Dots game from my last post. In doing this I discovered that it can be helpful to think of channels as structured data.

I also explored creating generic functions that operate on channels in a manner similar to how core Clojure functions operate on sequences.

I feel like I am witnessing a confluence of very powerful paradigms. Functional programming, functional reactive programming, communicating sequential processes, and all the beauties of Clojure that allow us to be very plastic about how we approach and solve a problem. It’s really remarkable.
