An Immutable Data Service

17 Jun 2013

Web based data services provide a means of storing and reading data over HTTP. The core value of these services is that they make data operations both accessible and available to clients such as web and phone applications. These services can exist as application specific RESTful resources or general data storage services. and are both examples of a web based data services intended for general application data storage.

The default operational paradigm of these services is one that implies mutation. If we store data in a service it is assumed that we can update it in place. A web resource with a given URI can be changed and future references to that URI will yield the new mutated value. Watch this this video for a explanation of why this may not be such a great way to do things.

Let’s consider a web based data service which is immutable. This service would allow you to store data and read data but does not let you update data once it is stored.

In this post I explore an example of an immutable service for JSON documents. This example is not advocating an API. It’s simply a scaffold for looking at couple of the interesting properties of immutable data services.

Creating and reading

The example service allows you to post JSON data to an endpoint. The response will include an identifier which refers to the newly stored document. The service guarantees that the document referred to by this identifier will not change.

Request POST /json-doc
Body { "first_name": "James" }
{ "id": 10001 }

The response includes an id which we can use in a GET request to obtain the data that we stored there.

Request GET /json-doc/10001
{ "first_name": "James" }

This url is unique and will will always refer to this particular data. There is no operation in the API of this service that will allow you to alter this data. This stored item can now be cached forever as the data at the this url will never change.

This is an immutable data service in its most basic form. I believe this simple form has value on its own.

A key advantage of an immutable data service is that authority is not a necessity for this service to operate. Clients do not have to log in. You simply can not overwrite a document that someone else is relying on. Authority may be needed for the tangential concerns of running such a service, but it is simply not necessary for its function.

This is a big deal. Clients can store data without an authorization step. They can refer to it with the absolute guarantee that it hasn’t changed and that no other client has the authority to change it.

This hints at the possibility of an open service or federation of services that can facilitate effortless storage and exchange of information.

What about change?

In our experience of the world, things change over time. When you get a coffee at a cafe you have an experience of the flow of events that bring that coffee to you. Our minds have the ability to hold onto this series of changes and turn it into something meaningful for us. We are built to make decisions based on how things change over time.

When our programs operate on variables and other transient data they are operating in the moment on transient data. They normally don’t have the ability to have a latent trace of how things have changed over time. Our programs only know that x == 5 right now. The history of how x got there is gone. So our programs have a very flat view of most of the objects in their world. It’s like having an intense version of amnesia where all you know is the current state of the world and you don’t know what has come before. Is this coffee in front of me mine? Did I order it? Did I walk here?

Things change and it can add a new dimension to our data if we record how our data changes over time.

The only way to change immutable data is to record new data. If the new data is based on another piece of data we can record that relationship as well.

Implementing change on top of immutability

Change can be implemented by making clients of this service responsible for changing the data and then creating a new JSON document on the service with the modified data. This manual approach is possible but change is such an essential feature of data use it should also be a feature of the service.

We need an operational interface that will allow us to specify changes to a stored document and return to us a pointer to the new modified one.

Let’s introduce a set operation that will allow us to set the value of a key in the stored JSON document. The following example adds a new field to our document.

Request POST /json-doc/10001/license_to_kill
Body true
{ "id": 10002, "parent_id": 10001 }

Here we have executed an operation on the original document we created in the first example. Our return value consists of two things. An id which identifies the new document. There is also a parent-id which points to the parent document that this new document was created from.

We now have an operation that “changes” the document and returns a pointer to the new one. This operation also keeps track of the meta information about who was the parent of this new document.

Let’s look at the state of things after this operation.

GET /json-doc/10002 { "first_name" : "James", "license_to_kill": true, "__meta_data": {"parent_id": 10001} }
GET /json-doc/10001 { "first_name" : "James" }

We now have a versioning system. Note how available the previous versions of the document are. We can now chain through the history of the JSON document from its inception.

It is important to note here that this provides an important contract to the consumer of this API. This provides an operational guarantee that the operation was performed and which document it was performed against. In other words, we have a reference to a specific document and when we make a specific operation against that particular document we know with great confidence the value of the resulting document. Hence, we don’t have to constantly fetch the value of the document we are working with. The client library can easily perform the operation locally and as long as the operation is successful we now know the absolute value of the new stored document without fetching its value.

In other words, it is possible to know the absolute value of the current state of the document.

This is simply not possible with a mutable data service.


The same characteristics that make authority unnecessary for this service makes sharing easy. Simply pass off a URL to the party you want to share the data with. But you aren’t just passing off a url to inoperable data. The person you shared the data with has the same operational interface that the originator of the document has. Thus data is sharable and operable by default.

If you have a list of recipes in a recipe service and it’s stored in an immutable data service. You can share it as easily as emailing a URL to friend. Upon receipt they can edit and change the document with no ramifications to you.


There is no reason that such a service can not implement a merge operation given two URLs with a common ancestor.

The official version

Authority is needed to know which version of a document is important to a certain client but this is a simple matter as we fall back to the dominant paradigm of data storage and store this pointer in an authorized place.


I have explored a basic immutable data service.

By layering immutability on top of the availability of a web service it seems that we have created something different and interesting.

The primary advantages are:

  • Versioning of data.
  • Authority is not a requirement for service function.
  • Operational guarantees.
  • Sharable and operable by default.

I have tried to focus on what the service is and its intrinsic advantages. I have stayed away from implementation details as I feel these problems are solved or solvable. What’s more interesting to me is what this implies for openly sharing data and application development.

  • What would a federation of open immutable data services enable for users and developers?
  • Would we be able to create applications that robustly recover from errors and that can be scrolled back in time to see the absolute state of the application at the time of the error?
  • Would “taking your data with you” finally be a simple reality?
  • Could we stop the creation of yet another API to get at data that should just simply be available?

With the rise in the consumption of these services I think immutability is important characteristic to consider.

Note: It is also important to consider that immutability and durability are not the same thing. I have conflated them in this post. The reason I have done this is that immutability in a memory based programming environment like Clojure benefits from garbage collection when there are no more pointers to an immutable object. In the web at large it is very hard to tell who is still relying on the data at a URI.

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